Latest news concerning olive oil

The United Body of food control in an effort to further protect the consumer against unfair practices as well as to make known the special characteristics of two of the most important –for the greek economy- agricultural products- the olive oil and the edible olives-participates in the event “The Routes of olive oil” –The main aim of the event is to create a digital print for every sample of olive oiol and to develop model in order to distinguish between them based on various criteria (eg variety, freshness etc). As far as the edible olive is concerned, the aim is to chart/map the microbiome of special varieties od edible olives (Konservolia, Kalamon, Chalkidikis) through their processing in varieties in various areas of Greece and its relation to them, the recording of the ecosystem in the final processed product and its evaluation.
The results will be immediately used by the participants, the state bodies , as well as the unions and businesses active in the field of production, standardization and marketing of olive oil and edible olive.

It is worth noting that during the past year the Greek olive oil and the Greek edible olive were not liable to duties that were imposed by the USA to equivalent Spanish products.

The General Secretary of Commerce and Consumer Protection is about to bring charges to bottled olive oil and it’s marketing in restaurants by modifying legislation enacted in 2007. Their aim is to put an end to the marketing of un-bottled and thus of unknown origin and quality olive oil at the restaurants in Greece and to boost the competitiveness of the standardized product.